Saturday, July 31, 2021

Early Covid symptoms differ among age groups: Study

The symptoms for early Covid-19 infection may differ among age groups and between men and women, new research published in The Lancet Digital Health, suggests. These differences are most notable between younger age groups (16-59 years) compared to older age groups (60-80 years and over) and men have different symptoms compared to women in the early stages of Covid-19 infection.

The symptoms for early Covid-19 infection may differ among age groups and between men and women, new research published in The Lancet Digital Health, suggests. These differences are most notable between younger age groups (16-59 years) compared to older age groups (60-80 years and over) and men have different symptoms compared to women in the early stages of Covid-19 infection. July 31, 2021 at 10:59PM

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